Nothing here yet! :)


"Read BYF" can be tedious, but I'd really appreciate if you could take a look at this one, as I want my online experience to be as safe and calm as possible. I had a lot of bad experiences, and I hope placing these things out here from the start helps at least a bit.

1. People who romanticize abusive fiction/pedophilia
3. LGBTQ+ exclusionarists (anti xenopronouns, ace-phobes etcetera)
4. Cops and capitalists bootlickers, right wings, “liberals” (watered down right wings)
5. Polyam-phobes, anti-kink
6. Bigots, hardcore Christians
7. Racists, “inverse racism”/“black washing” believers, anti-abortionists etc.

AGE REQUIREMENTS: be 18+. Nearly all my socials are restricted to adults, unless stated otherwise. I am an adult. I talk about sex positivity and about heavy, mature topics that are not suitable for children or very young teenagers. I'd prefer if people below the age of 18 didn't interact with me; additionally, do not DM me if you don't have your age in bio. I may still like your posts if I find them in my explore page/TL/discovery page without knowing your age, but if I know it I won't interact with you directly unless necessary. My Mastodon and my Artfol may contain more nsfw contents, which will always be flagged as such and hidden behind a CW.
I won't post gore or explicit triggering things without warnings, but I will post generic creepy/slightly horror drawings without CW, as they're nothing too heavy.

NO people who romanticize fictional abuse, incest, rape, pedophilia, grooming etc. I am NOT involved in online debate, but I don’t want this kind of triggering content.

Queerphobia, kinkphobia and exclusionism in the LGBTQIA+ community are not allowed here. I welcome anyone who isn't heterosexual, alloromantic and allosexual in the LGBTQ+ and in our Prides, especially if they are not monogamous and vanilla. I want to support as well fat, disabled, neurodivergent/neuroatypical, PoC, indigenous people. I support neo-pronouns, people's right to explore their identity, trans including feminism and anti-capitalism - yes I am a marxist-Leninist communist. If you disagree with any of these statements, or if you're conservative, mysoginistic, anti-abortion, anti-semitic, if you use dark humor lightly about things you don't experience: please kindly leave, or at least don't initiate discussions with me. This may seem like a obvious warning, but trust me, it's needed. I learnt the lesson. I will not hesitate to block you and tell you you’re an asshole, even if you were once my friend.

❌ In no shape or way do I intend to fetishize queer couples and individuals. Do not associate me with yaoi or yuri. Do NOT follow me if you’re straight and regularly enjoy yaoi/Yuri call yourself a "fujoshi" or any similar term. I am a sapphic nonbinary person and I will block you.

❌ I'm an atheist. I used to be catholic and I have bad experiences linked to Catholicism. I don't sugarcoat my thoughts about the Catholic Church, but this doesn't mean I want to discriminate your individual spirituality. Just don't expect me to hide my experiences and thoughts about an institution I know, and that daily harms me, for the sake of your tranquility. To be completely honest, I am not very comfortable around very hardcore Christians in general. I’d rather not interact with them, unless I already know them well, as I had plenty of bad experiences.

❌ Don't start drama. Just block me, I don't care. If I blocked you, chances are at some point you violated one of the previous points and I blocked you on purpose: you shouldn't text me to ask anything. If we were very close mutuals and you believe the block is just a bug, you should be able to contact me on my secondary accounts. If you're blocked on those ones too, I did it purposely and you shouldn't contact me. NEVER text or harass my friends/mutuals over this, they're not involved in what I do.
I also block anyone who spam unfollows me.

I am strongly against NFT and AI art sourced unethically. If you engage with them and crypto, please leave me alone.

I WILL BLOCK YOU if you fit these criteria. There’s no point in interacting with me, trying to deceive me into being your friend. Stay as far away from me as possible and don’t you dare intruding my safe spaces. If you get radicalized as a bigoted TERF asshole while being my friend, don’t even try to be falsely kind or respectful to me, just fuck off and never come back. I do not hide my opinions nor do I sugarcoat my disgust with certain people and ideas, and neither should you. If I find out you might be a danger to our mutual friends/followers because of your harmful shitty opinions, I will warn them so they can block you.